Ship-to-ship (STS) Transfer Operations

The Maharani Energy Gateway energy hub and deep sea port is a one-step centre for STS transfer covering all aspects of STS operations including STS license holder, operator, shipping agent, marine services provider, bunkering, and husbandry services
Our 10 STS spots are open and not limited for transhipment of liquid bulk cargoes such as marine diesel oil, fuel oil, gas oil, crude oil, automotive diesel oil, petroleum products, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and liquified natural gas (LNG).
• No Traffic Congestion
STS in Maharani Energy Gateway Port – No interference from other operator ship conducting STS Operation.
• Less Waiting Turn Around
Reducing delay and speeding up the activity as there is no interference with traffic entering and leaving the area.
• Stable Weather
The Strait of Malacca is protected from the windy Southwest monsoon.
• Strategic Location
Good distance and proximity to TSS lane.
STS transfer services undertaken by MEG are in strict compliance to Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guidelines, MARPOL Regulation and Malaysian Marine Department statutory regulation.
MEG has vast experienced in handling all types of vessels and provides single-point accountability for effective and integrated vessel management services. “Safe, Timely and Fully Compliant Operation Every Time”.
Bunkering Service

We offer prime location for bunkering activities and supply of marine fuels such as diesel, marine gas oil, liquified natural gas (LNG) and various fuel grades. The Straits of Malacca is ideal for the development of ship bunkering hub for local as well as regional bunker players.
Ship Building and Ship Repair Services

Over 100,000 commercial vessels pass through the Straits of Malacca, annually. This provides ample opportunities to develop a shipbuilding and ship repair (SBSR) facilities, which will complement the whole marine eco-system along the straits and its surrounding areas.
MEG has designated a suitable site of 200acres for ship building development, maintenance, and repair facilities for vessel services.
Marine Services

Maharani Energy Gateway is prepared and equipped with full fledge ancillary services to develop MEG at par with other port operators along the Strait of Malacca. These are part of the offered supporting services, and the range of services will expand in the future.
• Mooring & Unmooring
Essential to hold the vessels within MEG operation area during transhipment.
• Chartering Services
Vessel chartering services include tug, barge, AHT and AHTS within MEG operation area.
• Launch Boat Service
Transportation offshore to onshore activities.
• Provision Supply
Transportation offshore to onshore activities.
• Fresh Water Supply
Supply fresh water within MEG operation area and other dedicated terminal/jetty within MEG area.
• Garbage Collection Service
Marine waste management services from vessel within MEG operation area to shore.
• De-slopping & Tank Cleaning
Tank cleaning services to rid all slop oil and sludge problems within MEG operation area.